Do’s and don’t for Thailand – Respect Thai culture

Show respect to ThaisWe all intend to make the most of our opportunity to travel to Thailand, but setting foot in this Asian land can get you into all sorts of shit if you’re not prepared with some basic tools.

Many travelers will find it hard navigating even some of the most basic of tasks in this new world but never fear, some hot tips are at hand.

You have chosen to travel to Thailand for it’s reputation of the land of a thousand smiles. Generally Thai’s are very tolerant and accepting people., and they do value and appreciate even the worst of attempts to respect their culture.

These simple tips will get you a long way with the new hosts in the land of a thousand smiles. Always remeber your new hosts and Respect Thai culture.

SMILE: It’s simple really and applies to every culture. Smile and the world smiles with you. When in Thailand do as the locals do, smile. Thai’s tend to smile for any reason and in any situation, return the favor.

TEMPER TANTRUMS: No matter how bad the situation is, show some simple respect and don’t lose your cool. Raising your voice at a Thai person is a very poor form of respect and can get you into a whole world of pain.

Loud voices and angry talking can be extremely counterproductive in Thailand. As per the first point, a smile can get you a lot further than raising your voice.

SACRED PARTS OF THE BODY: For Thai’s, the head is the most sacred part of the body, do don’t touch a Thai person on the head, this is a great sign of disrespect, whereas the feet are the lowest and filthiest part of the body, so putting your feet up on a table isn’t really a good idea either.

Always leave your shoes outside when entering someones home, and make sure you definitely remove those shoes when entering temples. Also don’t point your feet at any Buddhist statue.

SHAKING THE HAND: Thais do not tend to shake hands. Thais “wai” to greet people. The “wai” is a short bow forward, done with hands held fingertips-together close to your chest or face. Never “wai” someone of lower status – even it sounds like the egalitarian thing to do, you’ll only embarrass the person you’re “wai”ing.

THE KING: Always show respect for the King and his family – Thais will not appreciate even the friendliest jest about their monarch. Thai people have a deep respect for their King and his family, an affection that reciprocates his many accomplishments and sacrifices for the country. Remember, respect for the King isn’t just polite, it’s the law.